Saturday, November 6, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day #5

     Here I sit at Day #5.  I finally broke through the 10,000 word mark.  I sit at 11,870 words.  I can't believe it.  I am so happy.  And tired.  It's to soon to say if I'll make it to the end and win.  But that's exactly where I intend to wind up.  I have 38,130 words to go.  I was informed when I updated my word count today, that at this rate I should finish by Nov. 26.  My personal goal was Nov. 25.  So, I've really got to get busy.  And write, write, write.
     Tomorrow is Sunday.  I don't know if there will be an update tomorrow.  Perhaps in the evening, if all goes well.  If you don't see any update tomorrow, never fear.  I will update my word count total and my blog first thing on Monday.
     I'm off to see if I can break that 20,000 word mark.  Wish me luck!  My poor, tired, typing fingers need all they can get.  Heading into Day #6. . .

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